Privacy Policy

Collaborate Construction respect the privacy and rights of all individuals with whom they transact. Collaborate Construction take the implications of collecting personal information seriously and adheres strictly to the Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Queensland’s Information Privacy Act 2009.

Collaborate Construction may collect your personal information and will only do so where the information is necessary for us to perform one or more of our functions or activities. We will only use the personal information you have chosen to provide us to meet the primary purpose for which you provided it and will not use it for any other purpose without your consent.
Personal information about clients who have engaged Collaborate Construction to undergo building work may be shared with internal staff members including Site Supervisors and external suppliers and sub-contractors. The information provided to external parties is limited strictly to contact information. External third parties such as finance institutions will only have personal information shared if approval from the client has been expressly given.

Personal information that is collected for clients includes:
• Name
• Address
• Contact information (telephone & email)
• Postal Address
• Gender
• Financial details pertinent to executing a Residential Building Contract
• Proof of ownership of land nominated in Residential Building Contract
• Any other legal requirements

Under no circumstances will Collaborate Construction sell, rent, or receive payment for disclosing your personal information. However, we may from time to time supply aggregate statistics on visitor movements, customers, purchases and general site statistics to trustworthy companies. If in the future we do supply limited trustworthy companies with any personal information, you can request your information be excluded by contacting us on:
Phone: (07) 3171 2142
Post: PO Box 385, Sherwood Qld 4075

There may be occasions where it will be necessary for Collaborate Construction to disclose your personal information to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts or external advisers, without necessarily seeking your permission. These occasions include (1) if we are authorised and required by law, and (2) to avoid an imminent threat to a person’s life or health, or to public safety.

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